Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We are here to help.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out via email.

Is “cultural translation training” the same as “diversity training”?

Cultural Translation is not traditional diversity training focusing primarily on race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Instead, this model:

  • Centers on recognizing and understanding the diversity of thought, values, beliefs, and cultural paradigms.
  • Addresses how individual worldviews (shaped by religion, philosophy, upbringing, or cultural background) influence behavior, communication, and decision-making.
  • Encourages dialogue around perspectives that might not align with dominant or group assumptions.
  • Particularly effective in high-conflict or polarized environments where differences in values and beliefs create division.
  • Provides tools for navigating difficult conversations, depolarizing conflicts, and finding common ground.

How can I get in touch with additional questions?

If you have any additional questions, please email [email protected].